So it has been a busy busy winter so to kick the cold we headed north? I know lame idea but it turned out to be warmer than expected. We headed up to NYC with Leigh and Chris who were en route to meet family anyway so we carpooled, and saw a few sights together, and ate some really great food! (cant get the underline to go away!!)
Nathan and I love oysters so at the Chelsea Market we thought we would try "des huitres" and they were wonderful, some briny, some fruity, some citrusy
Monkey see.... monkey do
We did more walking this weekend than I think I normally do in a week and Nate does in a month. It was beautiful weather so we didn't take the subway and seeing it was Nate's first time in the city we wanted to see as much as possible. We made a few unexpected detours walking and walking mostly due to the fact that on the way to an art show I thought NYC worked like the grid in Utah and I was dead wrong! 264 does not mean it is on 2nd street so we walked about 2 miles in the wrong direction then had to backtrack. Bet Leigh and Chris were thrilled they were with us on that detour. Whoops! After the detour were tired so we sat and rested and carb loaded on Shake Shack for the next leg of our "marathon"
We really had a lovely time even with the traffic and detours. Nathan and I saw West Side Story (his first Broadway play) and stayed in the Marquis! We have wanted to do so for a while now but price and schedule never coincided until this March. Our room looked onto Time Square and the people watching was fantastic. Anything goes in that city!
I told Nate in advance that every bakery we past I was going into, and I did! And it was very taxing "research" but oh so necessary.
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