When it rains it pours and opens doors.....

I love being married to an accountant, he does my taxes, looks sexy in glasses, and he makes a spreadsheet for everything including his fantasy football picks! And sometimes accountants work for companies that have fancy seats to Wolftrap and when they aren't using them they give them to the guys who looks sexiest in glasses and that was Nate! woohoo we got to go to the Train Concert. We were lucky to be under the main structure and not have lawn seat because minutes into the opening band, it started pouring. I have loved train since I first heard "Meet Virginia" at the ripe age of 15, in France everytime I heard "Drops of Jupiter" coming from a store I felt a little piece of home, blah blah blah I am sure I could conger up a few more Train related stories but really?really? you don't want read that. The concert was great Pat Monahan sang, played the: trumpet, harmonica, guitar and was completely nuts on stage. He bounded around like a 4 yr. old girls and at first you think, "even with 2 marriages to women this guy can't be straight" but as time goes on you find yourself loving every minute of it. (With the exception of his 3 on stage t-shirt changes; something about a grossly sweaty t-shirt being ripped of a pale body and thrown into a crowd just doesn't do it for me but, I would pay money to see them again).

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