Deep Creek Lake

What happens when you put 7 couples (Affletranger, Beh, Fish, Miller, Nicholas, Rogers, Walker) in one house for Labor Day weekend?



(Nate) (Dave getting unstuck) (the Melissas)
(Nate again) (Aaron bashing an innocent child)


(the only reason we included this photo is to make Dave feel better for having the world's worst hand eye coordination ever!!! Don't worry Aaron, you aren't far behind)


(note for the future: 10 player yahtzee takes FOREVER! and Lynette will not be paying attention at all, and she will school you)

and this.....

Nate and I like to think that we were really really good in heaven so when we came down and got married...God put us here in Rockville with these 6 couples (plus loads more) to make our life brighter. (and if we die and find out we weren't good, we are really really lucky to have so many dear friends in our lives)

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