Bag on shoulder, smartrip card swiped too fast so the gates didn't open second go was better. Pass the usual crowd of: hurried veteran commuters who while not yet at the office are busy at work, and the seasonal crowd of fanny packed, matching t-shirt, blood shot eyed because they are still on west coast time tourists. Hold breath as I exit the building, no second hand smoke before breakfast, new year's resolution. Taxi station, cross walk, 52 seconds at the light on Constitution another 13 at A St. NE, swing hips a bit more as I pass the security guards (trying to break that involuntary habit), dirty look to the guy who almost plowed me over because he plowed through a stop sign because he was texting ...jackass. inhale slowly as I pass the lilacs on 5th, that did the trick...jackass forgiven. Key's out before the gate opens, I take my time turning the lock. Purse goes on the chair, keys in the bowl I slide my shoes under the bench and put my glasses on the book shelf, quick glance not exactly thrilled with the job I did of drawing on my eyebrows but can't expect much when you use your phone as a mirror while on that lurching metro at 7:16a.
I go the same way every day so I can pass: my favorite windows, the fountain where it shouldn't be, the wisteria that this year has finally reached the roof, and the chairs.
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