come take a walk with me...

7:38a Union Station is the next stop, I could continue on to Metro Center then switch to the Orange/Blue line until I hit Eastern Market... the train lurches to a far from smooth halt, its normal, expected....brake fumes fill the car and I am up, paper in hand. I had all intentions of reading all of it but somehow got lost in a dream between Libya, some air traffic controller messing up Michelle Obamas flight, and how queen Victoria single handedly changed wedding culture when she walked down the aisle in a white dress, a color typically reserved for mourning. It never gets finished.

Bag on shoulder, smartrip card swiped too fast so the gates didn't open second go was better. Pass the usual crowd of: hurried veteran commuters who while not yet at the office are busy at work, and the seasonal crowd of fanny packed, matching t-shirt, blood shot eyed because they are still on west coast time tourists. Hold breath as I exit the building, no second hand smoke before breakfast, new year's resolution. Taxi station, cross walk, 52 seconds at the light on Constitution another 13 at A St. NE, swing hips a bit more as I pass the security guards (trying to break that involuntary habit), dirty look to the guy who almost plowed me over because he plowed through a stop sign because he was texting ...jackass. inhale slowly as I pass the lilacs on 5th, that did the trick...jackass forgiven. Key's out before the gate opens, I take my time turning the lock. Purse goes on the chair, keys in the bowl I slide my shoes under the bench and put my glasses on the book shelf, quick glance not exactly thrilled with the job I did of drawing on my eyebrows but can't expect much when you use your phone as a mirror while on that lurching metro at 7:16a.

I go the same way every day so I can pass: my favorite windows, the fountain where it shouldn't be, the wisteria that this year has finally reached the roof, and the chairs.

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